
Degree Major Emphasis Institution Year
PhD Marital and Family Therapy Fuller Theological Seminary 2004
MA Psychology Geneva College 1997
MA Theology Fuller Theological Seminary 2002
BS Psychology Geneva College 1995

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, LMFT 43631

AAMFT Clinical Fellow and Approved Supervisor

Clinical Member of California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)

Member, American Association of Christian Counselors

Member, Society of Industrial and Organization Psychology (SIOP)

BEH 255 Foundational Skills in Behavioral Sciences I

BEH 256 Foundational Skills in Behavioral Sciences II

BEH 333 Epistemology and Worldview

PSY 505 MFT Counseling Theory

PSY 510 Human Growth and Development

PSY 535 Advanced Psychopathology

Marriage and Family Therapy

Integration of Christianity and Psychology



Counseling Theory

Faith Learning Integration

Hope International University.

Current Research Projects

Thomas V. Frederick, Elisa Shepard, Dominick Sturz, and Shannon Brown. Traditional Christian belief, divine struggle, ultimate meaning, religious coping and stress. In data analysis.
Thomas V. Frederick, Scott Dunbar, Cammy Purper, and Kenneth Minesinger. Burnout and Lawyers. Research proposal.
Thomas V. Frederick, Scott Dunbar, Yvonne Thai, and Julianna Browning. Exploring DoS, EI, Job Satisfaction, and Work-Family Conflict on Burnout. Proposal under preparation.


Ardito, R., Dunbar, S., Frederick, T., Putulowski, J., & Chester, H. (2022). Spirituality and Psychological Well-Being Among Faculty at a Private Christian University. Journal of Faith in the Academic Profession, 1(1), 25–36. Retrieved from https://cbuopenpublishing.org/index.php/jfap/article/view/12

Frederick, T. V. & Dunbar, S. E. (2022). Identity, Calling, and Workplace Spirituality: Meaning Making and Developing Career Fit. Lexington Books

Frederick, T. V., Dunbar, S. E., Thai, Y., Ardito, R., Eichler, K., et al. (2022). The Effects of Role Differentiation Among Clergy: Impact on Pastoral Burnout and Job Satisfaction. Review of Religious Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13644-022-00489-y

Purper, C. J., Thai, Y., Frederick, T. V., & Farris, S. (2022). Exploring the Challenge of Teachers’ Emotional Labor in Early Childhood Settings. Early Childhood Educator Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-022-01345-y

Balswick, J. O., Balswick, J. K., and Frederick, T. V. (2021). The Family: A Christian Perspective on the Contemporary Home(5th ed). Baker Academic. http://bakerpublishinggroup.com/books/the-family-5th-edition/1393112

Frederick T.V., Thai, Y., and Dunbar, S. (2021). Coping with Pastoral Burnout Using Christian Contemplative Practices. Religions, 12(6):378. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12060378

Dunbar, S.E., Frederick, T. V., Thai, Y., and Gill, J. (2020). Calling Caring and Connecting: Burnout in Christian Ministry. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture.

Davis, T., and Frederick, T. V. (2020). The Impact of Multimedia in Course Design. Online Learning Journal.

Frederick, T. V., and Muldoon, T. P. (2020). Ignatian Spirituality and Psychotherapy. Journal of Psychology and Christianity.

A Christian approach to burnout caused by work and family conflict: Calling, caring, and connecting. by Thomas V. Frederick and Scott Dunbar. 2019. Lexington Books.

Thomas V. Frederick, Scott Dunbar, Susan Purrington, Sarah Y. Fisher and Richard Ardito, (2018). Exploring the relative contributions of differentiation of self and mindfulness for predicting burnout. In L. Brewer (Ed.). Meditation: Practice, Techniques, and Health Benefits (185-204). New York: Nova Science Press. Book Chapter.

Thomas V. Frederick, Scott Dunbar, and Yvonne Thai, Christian perspectives on burnout. Pastoral Psychology, 2017. Journal Article.

James Yoo and Thomas Frederick. The varying impact of land subsidence and earth fissures on residential property values in Maricopa County – a quantile regression approach. (2017). International Journal of Urban Sciences 21(2):1-13. Journal Article.

Knabb, J., & Frederick, T. (2017). Contemplative prayer for Christians with chronic worry: An eight-week program. New York: Routledge. Book.

Thomas Frederick, Susan Purrington & Scott Dunbar (2016): Differentiation of self, religious coping, and subjective well-being. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 19, 553-564. doi: 10.1080/13674676.2016.1216530. Journal Article.

Knabb, J. J., Frederick, T. V., & Cumming, G., III (2016, May 19). Surrendering to God’s Providence: A Three-Part Study on Providence-Focused Therapy for Recurrent Worry (PFT-RW). Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/rel0000081. Journal Article.

Crosby, R. G., Smith, E. I., & Frederick, T. V. (2015). The kid-friendly church: What makes children feel loved, valued, and part of a supportive community? Journal of Family and Community Ministries, 28, 87-109. Journal Article.

Forgiveness and mental health practice. (2015). Mental Health, Religion & Culture, DOI: 10.1080/13674676.2015.1077210. Journal Article.

Frederick, T. V., & White, K. M. (2015). Mindfulness, Christian Devotion Meditation, Surrender, and Worry. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/jZCfxA5p6Enin8cCuGHT/full. Journal Article.

Thomas V. Frederick (PI), Robert Pate, Brad T. Overholser, Peace Amadi, Susan L. Hastings, Wojciech Michael Organistko*, & Jacqueline V. Bran*, Integrating Faith and Learning: An exploration of indicators among psychology, human development and marriage and family therapy students. Under review at the Journal of Psychology and Theology. Journal Article.

Spiritual Transformation: Honoring Spiritual Traditions in Psychotherapy. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 1(2), Jun 2014, 109-115. doi: 10.1037/scp0000020. Journal Article.

Integrating Faith and Learning: Broadening the Findings. Coauthored by Thomas V. Frederick, Susan L. Hastings, and Robert Pate. In SAGE Cases in Methodology. 2014. Book Chapter.

Recent Developments in Christian Theological Anthropology. In New Directions in Anthropology Research. Nova Science Press. 2012. Book Chapter.

Models of Marriage and Family Therapy: A Christian Appraisal. Linus Publications. 2012. ISBN: 1-60797-283-2. Book.

The Sexual Division of Household Labor. Coauthored with Jack O. Balswick. Psychology, 2, 509-516. (2011). DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.25079. Journal Article.

An Interpretation of Evangelical Gender Ideology: Implications for a Theology of Gender. In Theology & Sexuality. 2011. 183-192. Published online August 2011. DOI: 10.1558/tse.v16i2.183. Journal Article.

Core Competencies and Christian Education: An Integrative Approach to Education in Marriage and Family Therapy Programs. In The ICCTE Journal: A Journal of the International Community of Christians in Teacher Education. Coauthored with Laura L. Steele, PsyD, 2010. http://icctejournal.org/issues/v5i2/v5i2-frederick-steele/. Journal Article.

A Christian Perspective on Hope, Expectancies, and Therapy(pp. 151-164). In Psychology of Expectations. Edited by Pablo Leon and Nino Tamez. Nova Science Press. 2010.Book Chapter.

Models of Psychotherapy: Implications for Pastoral Care Practice. Pastoral Psychology, 58, 351-363, 2009. Journal Article.

Spirituality and Discipleship from a Christian Perspective. Pastoral Psychology, 58, 553-560, 2008.Journal Article.

Solution Focused Therapy and the Kingdom of God: A Cosmological Integration Pastoral Psychology, 56, 413-419, 2008. Journal Article.

Evangelical Gender Ideology: A view from Christianity Today readers. With Jack O. Balswick, Journal of Religion and Society, 8. http://moses.creighton.edu/jrs/2006/2006-13.html>. Journal Article.

[1] Unless otherwise indicated, all articles are in peer-reviewed professional journals. Book chapters have also gone through a review process to be included in edited books.

Evangelical Formosa Church (EFC) in Arcadia. I regularly teach adult bible study, and I am on the leadership team for the youth Sunday School.