ࡱ> SURe T>bjbj:: 7NXme\Xme\ a88888LLL8t4L,,,,,$B!u888,,NR8,8,,0dYd08"8"8"88"> : Research Assistant Application Sport, Performance, and Exercise Psychology Lab Name: Date: Phone number: Email: Best time to reach you by phone: Year in school: % Freshman % Sophomore % Junior % Senior % Graduate What is your major/minor? Do you have prior research experience? % Yes % No If yes, please briefly describe your previous research experience: Please check any of the following courses that you have already taken (and the professors you completed them with): % PSY 213: General Psychology % BEH 255: Foundational Skills in Behavioral Sciences I % BEH 256: Foundational Skills in Behavioral Sciences II % BEH 383: Statistical Techniques in Behavioral Science with SPSS % BEH 385: Methods of Research with SPSS % PSY 328: Cognitive Psychology % PSY 360: Sports Psychology % PSY 473: Psychophysiology % KIN 383: Exercise Physiology % KIN 454: Behavioral Aspects of Sport Have you taken any other courses that you think may be directly relevant to the research conducted in the SPEP Lab? If so, list here: ______________________________________________________________________ Current Cumulative GPA at app: Current Psychology GPA at app: Are you, or have you been, an athletes/performer? % Yes % No If yes, please briefly describe your experience as an athlete/performer. Do you have any experience working with athletes/performers? % Yes % No If yes, please briefly describe your experiences working with athletes/performers. Please briefly explain why you are interested in being a Research Assistant. When are you available to do research? Check all that apply. % Fall 20____ % Spring 20____ % Summer 20____ When during the week are you available to do research? Please give a sense of your overall availability (number of hours) and flexibility of this availability. You may be asked to conduct interviews in the evenings or on the weekends. Would you consider working these hours? % Definit<>@   \ l n yygVDgVDVgDg#h AhS3>*CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhS3CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhS35CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhP >*CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah A5CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhP CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah4m5CJOJQJ^JaJh4m5CJOJQJ^JaJhP 5CJOJQJ^JaJh/5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhP 5CJOJQJ^JaJ@  n p  h j Z \ ^ ` b d f gdP gdS3)$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gd|On p   D P T h j X ^ ̾̾̾̾̾ݯݝ}l}l}[[ h AhP CJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bh5BCJOJQJ^JaJh5BCJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhP 5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhS3>*CJOJQJ^JaJhS35CJOJQJ^JaJhS3CJOJQJ^JaJ h5BhS3CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhS35CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhS3CJOJQJ^JaJ^ ` b f J N P R T \ ^ ` b f t l n p r оn`n`n`nАR`АR`АR`h5BCJOJQJ^JaJhS3CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhZCJOJQJ^JaJ h AhuCJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bh5BCJOJQJ^JaJh"CJOJQJ^JaJh<5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhP 5CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhP CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhS3CJOJQJ^JaJhP CJOJQJ^JaJf N P n F6JKgd4mgdm\^gd|OgdUsgdP  DFHJ 468:̾ްn]]nOOnOh4mCJOJQJ^JaJ hS3hUsCJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhUs6CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhUsCJOJQJ^JaJ h5BhUsCJOJQJ^JaJhUsCJOJQJ^JaJh5BCJOJQJ^JaJhS3CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhP 6CJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bh5BCJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah|OCJOJQJ^JaJ  }o`N`N== h5Bh4mCJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah4m5CJOJQJ^JaJh4m5CJOJQJ^JaJhP CJOJQJ^JaJ&h AhP 5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhP >*CJOJQJ^JaJhS35CJOJQJ^JaJhW5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhP 5CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah4mCJOJQJ^JaJh4mCJOJQJ^JaJh|OCJOJQJ^JaJx,.24>@BJ򎀎oo]NNh A5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhP >*CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ahm\^CJOJQJ^JaJh5BCJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bh5BCJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ahm\^5CJOJQJ^JaJh95CJOJQJ^JaJh4m5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah4m5CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah4mCJOJQJ^JaJh4mCJOJQJ^JaJH "$a$gdJjgdP gdm\^gd4m@ "$04<>@BͿoaSD6Sohz,8CJOJQJ^JaJhJj>*CJOJQJ^JaJhJjCJOJQJ^JaJh(CJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJh6=5CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhUCJOJQJ^JaJh9CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah"CJOJQJ^JaJh**SCJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah**SCJOJQJ^JaJhS35CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah**S5CJOJQJ^JaJBDPV^`bdpv~ĶwhYJY;h"5CJOJQJ^JaJh95CJOJQJ^JaJh6=5CJOJQJ^JaJh**S>*CJOJQJ^JaJ#h6=hJj>*CJOJQJ^JaJhJjCJOJQJ^JaJhUCJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJhJj>*CJOJQJ^JaJh(CJOJQJ^JaJh6=CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah**SCJOJQJ^JaJB2D2233 485:55V6X6Z6\6^66 77 <^`<gd6=gd<^gd**Sgd6=gd**SgdS32222 2"2$2&2@2B2D2F2Z2`2222.303P3R3`3b3~333444έp_ h5Bh{:CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhGSCJOJQJ^JaJh{:5CJOJQJ^JaJh6=5CJOJQJ^JaJh**SCJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah**SCJOJQJ^JaJUhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJh6=CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah**S5CJOJQJ^JaJ!ely yes % Maybe % Definitely no Interviews may be conducted off-campus. Would you consider conducting interviews off-campus? % Definitely yes % Maybe % Definitely no Do you have a car to transport yourself to off-campus interviews? % Yes % No If yes, are you willing to transport other research assistants with you to off-campus interviews? % Definitely yes % Maybe % Definitely no Are you a native English speaker? % Yes % No If no, please indicate your proficiency level, including comprehension, spelling, and grammar. Do you speak another language besides English? % Yes % No If yes, which language(s)? Would you be comfortable conducting interviews in this language? % Yes % No Would you be comfortable translating interviews into this language? % Yes % No Please list any other special skills that you have that would help you as a Research Assistant (e.g., video editing, computer skills, arts and crafts, etc.): If you are an undergraduate, there may be the possibility of you getting research credits (Psy 495/Psy496). Is this something you are interested in? % Yes % No Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application. We will contact you as soon as we can. If there are no current positions available, would you like us to contact you for a future position? % Yes, please contact me as soon as a position becomes available in the future. % No, I will not be available in future semesters.     Please return the completed application to Dr. Mauldin in James 119 or via e-mail. 4 4444 444445 55585:5z5~55555п᭟}kYH7H7 h5Bh6=CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah6=CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah6=5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h6=hS35CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah<CJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah**S5CJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bh{:CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhGSCJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah**SCJOJQJ^JaJh{:CJOJQJ^JaJ55V6X6Z6\6^6v6666666667777777ο{j{j{X{Gj9hz,8CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhGSCJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah<>*CJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah<CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah<5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhP<5CJOJQJ^JaJh95CJOJQJ^JaJh6=5CJOJQJ^JaJhS35CJOJQJ^JaJ#h6=hS35CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah6=CJOJQJ^JaJ777777B8D8F8H8J8T8V8X8Z8b8d8999:::J͜ޜyk\M;M#h Ah"5CJOJQJ^JaJh"5CJOJQJ^JaJh6=5CJOJQJ^JaJh ACJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah A5CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah ACJOJQJ^JaJhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah<5CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah**SCJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJ h AhGSCJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah<CJOJQJ^JaJ77F8b8d8999999:::<*==========gd{:gd]gd"gd**Sgd A^gd**S @ ^@ `gdGS:::::::<<<<*=,=z============Ͻ~~p~^VRVRVRVRh jh U#h AhNx5CJOJQJ^JaJh6=CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah]CJOJQJ^JaJhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bhz,8CJOJQJ^JaJh**S5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h Ah]5CJOJQJ^JaJh"5CJOJQJ^JaJ h5Bh"CJOJQJ^JaJ h Ah"CJOJQJ^JaJ=>>>.>J>L>P>R>T>ǵ#h AhNx5CJOJQJ^JaJh hWh6=5CJOJQJ^JaJh4m5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h AhW5CJOJQJ^JaJ =N>P>R>T>gd{:$a$gd{:5 01h:p{:/ =!"#$% s2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 44 {:Header  !4 @4 {:Footer  !6U 6 S3 Hyperlink >*B*phPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VvnB`2ǃ,!"E3p#9GQd; H xuv 0F[,F᚜K sO'3w #vfSVbsؠyX p5veuw 1z@ l,i!b I jZ2|9L$Z15xl.(zm${d:\@'23œln$^-@^i?D&|#td!6lġB"&63yy@t!HjpU*yeXry3~{s:FXI O5Y[Y!}S˪.7bd|n]671. tn/w/+[t6}PsںsL. 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