
Calling, Connecting, and Caring: A Christian Approach to Burnout Caused by Work and Family Conflict by Thomas V. Frederick and Scott Dunbar. In Press. Lexington Books.

Thomas V. Frederick, Scott Dunbar, Susan Purrington, Sarah Y. Fisher and Richard Ardito, (2018). Exploring the relative contributions of differentiation of self and mindfulness for predicting burnout. In L. Brewer (Ed.). Meditation: Practice, Techniques, and Health Benefits (185-204). New York: Nova Science Press. Book Chapter.

Thomas V. Frederick, Scott Dunbar, and Yvonne Thai, Christian perspectives on burnout. Pastoral Psychology, 2017. Journal Article.


Contact the Center for the Study of Human Behavior

Director of Research: Dr. Erin Smith
Email: cshb@calbaptist.edu
Phone: (951) 343-4502

James Building, Rm 123A
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504