
Conference Presentations

Knabb, J., Johnson, E., Bates, T., & Sisemore, T. (2018, March). Christian psychotherapy in context: Theoretical and empirical explorations in faith-based mental health. APA-sponsored seminar presented to mental health professionals for six continuing education credits at ā€œThe Struggle is Realā€ Conference of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), Riverside, CA.

Knabb, J. (2018, March). Self-compassion for anxiety: Theoretical foundations, empirical support, and Christian applications. APA-sponsored seminar presented to mental health professionals for one continuing education credit at ā€œThe Struggle is Realā€ Conference of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), Riverside, CA.

Knabb, J. (2018, March). Operationalizing and empirically validating the Christian meditative tradition. In T. Sisemore (Chair), Christian psychology as an indigenous psychology. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Division 36 (Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) of the American Psychological Association (APA), Riverside, CA.

Knabb, J. (2017, October). Contemplative prayer for Christians with stress and anxiety: Theoretical and empirical support. APA-sponsored seminar presented to mental health professionals for one continuing education credit at the World Conference of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), Nashville, TN.

Knabb, J. (2016, October). Contemplative prayer as an alternative to mindfulness-based interventions for Christian clients: Current empirical support and future directions. APA-sponsored seminar presented to mental health professionals for one continuing education credit at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.

Knabb, J. (2015, June). Faith-based acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): Integrative foundations, core processes, and case conceptualization for working with Christian clients. APA-sponsored seminar presented to mental health professionals for six continuing education credits at Philhaven Hospital, Mount Gretna, PA.


Book Publications

Knabb, J. (in press). The compassion-based workbook for Christian clients: Finding freedom from shame and negative self-judgments. New York: Routledge.

Knabb, J., & Frederick, T. (2017). Contemplative prayer for Christians with chronic worry: An eight-week program. New York: Routledge.

Knabb, J. (2016). Acceptance and commitment therapy for Christian clients: A faith-based workbook. New York: Routledge.

Knabb, J. (2016). Faith-based ACT for Christian clients: An integrative treatment approach. New York: Routledge.


Journal Article Publications

Knabb, J., Vazquez, V., Wang, K., & Bates, T. (in press). ā€˜Unknowingā€™ in the 21st century: Humble detachment for Christians with repetitive negative thinking. Spirituality in Clinical Practice.

Knabb, J., & Vazquez, V. (2018). A randomized controlled trial of a 2-week Internet-based contemplative prayer program for Christians with daily stress. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 5, 37ā€“53.

Knabb, J., Frederick, T., & Cumming, G. (2017). Surrendering to Godā€™s providence: A three-part study on providence-focused therapy for recurrent worry (PFT-RW). Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 9, 180ā€“196.

Contact the Center for the Study of Human Behavior

Director of Research: Dr. Erin Smith
Email: cshb@calbaptist.edu
Phone: (951) 343-4502

James Building, Rm 123A
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504