

Dr. Kristin Mauldin, Daryn Link, Andrea Leilani, Lea Graham, Amanda George, Janeane Hernandez, Raychel Stanley, Phillip Gandhi, & Bailey Thompson

Brief Abstract

The current study aims to describe and compare the flow experience between different types of performance activities. Participants involved in multiple types of performance activities including team sports, individual sports, performing arts, academic tasks, video games, and yoga will be given a flow assessment (FSS-2, Jackson & March, 1996) within one (1) hour following activity involvement. The FSS-2 assesses their flow experience based on the 9-dimensions proposed by Csikszentmihalyi (1990, 1993). The results will include a comparison of the factor loading for these 9-dimensions to see if the flow profile appears different between different types of activities.


The goal of this study is to examine whether the experience of ‘flow’ is experienced the same across all activities (as proposed by Csikszentmihalyi, 1990, 1993) or if, perhaps, these experiences should be defined as independent constructs (ie. The ‘runner’s high’ is not a subcategory of ‘flow’, but an entirely different construct). Thus, we intend to examine the differences in ‘flow’ experiences across different types of performance activities (ie. team sports, academic performance) to either provide a more precise examination of ‘flow’ within these activities or to support the idea that different constructs and/or sub constructs should be defined in order to describe these differences.

Note: This research study is ongoing and results will be posted along with publication of the final project.

Contact the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

Dean: Dr. Wayne Fletcher
Director of Academic Operations: Youstina Labib
Email: ylabib@calbaptist.edu
Phone: (951) 552-8645

James Building, Rm 115
8432 Magnolia Avenue
Riverside, CA 92504