
The Annie Gabriel Library is much more than a building on campus. It's a dynamic organization devoted to helping you find the information you need, providing vast online collections of quality resources in addition to our more traditional print collection. Explore the library website, or simply read on to learn about the possibilities.

What are you looking for?


In addition to the library's extensive print collections and audiovisual materials, is the place to search within our collection of over 250,000 e-books, covering all academic disciplines and available for your use right now. All of the library's books (print and e-books) are also discoverable in .

Articles and More

Over 100 different databases are available for finding articles from scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals. In these databases you can also find reference materials, musical recordings, statistics, and much more. From the "Databases" tab on the library homepage, you can view a list of all databases, or browse them by subject. The "Journals A-Z" tab can be used to look up the full-text from a specific citation by searching for the journal title.

For beginners, the easiest way to find articles is , a discovery service that searches most of the library's databases at once.

Research help

Librarians are available to assist you in your research in person or via phone, e-mail, chat and text message. Need help? Contact us!

Interlibrary Loan

We strive to maintain collections that provide the information you need. In the event that you need a specific book or article that is not available within the library's collections, you can request it using our Interlibrary Loan Service.

Document Delivery Service

Current students who live 25 miles or more from the main Riverside campus are eligible to have items from the Annie Gabriel Library circulating collection delivered to them through the mail using our Document Delivery Service.

More Info

Have more questions? Visit the library website (see especially our FAQ) or contact us.

Contact the Library

Today's Hours
View full schedule of hours.


Email: library@calbaptist.edu
Phone: (951) 343-4228
Text: (951) 221-4228

Information for...
Online Students
