
We are ready to help you find the information you need! Just send us an email, an instant message, a text, or give us a call.


Chat with a Librarian

Research help via chat is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Click the link below to get started.

Phone a Librarian

Call us at (951) 343-4228, or see our staff directory. If you need help finding information, ask to speak with a librarian.

Schedule an Appointment with a Librarian

Have an in-depth research question or prefer to meet with a librarian? Email Carolyn Heine to schedule an in-person or virtual appointment.

Text a Librarian

Have a simple question? Send us a text at (951) 221-4228 for a quick answer.

E-mail a librarian:

If you don't need a response right away, you can e-mail us at library@calbaptist.edu or submit the following form:
